60 shots@ 50 metres plus optional 40 shots also at 50 metres
To be shot in f0ur classes:
CLASS X – National Classification, current and previous three years.
CLASS A – 97.0 over
CLASS B – 94.1 to 96.9
CLASS C – up to to 94.0
For further details of this Meeting please refer to the meeting Conditions and Entry Form.
Entries close 16th March 2013, late entries may be accepted if space permits.

Will be attending, for all your shooting needs
Special Guest
The B.S.S.A. Are pleased to announce that Mr Iain Root, N.S.R.A. Chief Executive Officer, will be attending the Open Meeting from 2pm. Mr Root wishes to meet shooters and as well as coming to ‘meet and greet’ as many people as he can, he would like competitors to raise ANY issues with him concerning the future of our sport. You don’t have to shoot to come along & meet Mr Root. However, it would be nice if you could join us as a shooter.