BSSA Frostbite League 2024/5 Round 4

A wintry  start to the morning for Round 4 of 2024/25 Frostbite League saw a light snow covering on the Bedford range.

However, the ‘mild’ temperature, 4°C and rising, coupled with a very light wind made for passable conditions on the firing point; though some had come prepared for worse.

The light winds helped the scoring, with three ‘tons’ being recorded; though the poor light and an odd skein of mist that passed through during the second detail did cause problems spotting the shot holes for some.

Results for the day’s competition were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First K Sheead 4 1
Second D Swain 7 2
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First K Sheead 4 0
Second Mrs S Day 6 2
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First D Swain 7 1
Second Mrs S Day 6 1

Full results may be found here.

Round 5 (50m) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 2nd February. There may be couple of spare spaces on the firing point, so if you would like to participate please contact Steve Beadle, 07720 677456.

The next BSSA Open meeting is the Indoor Meeting, offering competitions for prone rifle, benchrest rifle, light-weight sport rifle and airgun (pistol & rifle) to be held on the 18/19th January 2025. Details of this competition, including entry forms,  are available here.

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BSSA Indoor Meeting (Prone, Benchrest, LWSR & Airgun) 2025

Entries are now open for the 25 yd Indoor Meeting to be held at the Bedford (Clapham) range on the 18/19th January 2025. The meeting offers competitions for the following disciplines: Prone Rifle; Benchrest Rifle; Light-weight Sport Rifle all at 25 yds and Airgun, Rifle and Pistol, at 10m.

The Prone Rifle Match will be shot on a squadded basis with 80 shots to count in two 40 shot details.  There will be a 50 minute break between details. Competitors are classified in four classes: BSSA ‘X’ class is made up of shooters in & previously in X Class within the past 3 years, Nationally Classified ‘X’ Class competitors will be placed in Class ‘X’; all other competitors will be placed in three equal classes as far as possible, according to submitted average. All competitors other than ‘X’ Class are required to submit an average based on the best 5 of the last 6 indoor scores. See below for link to further details and the entry form.

The Bench Rest competition will be shot on a squadded basis with 80 shots to count in two 40 shot details. There will be a 50 minute break between details. The competition will be shot in a single class. It is an any sights competition to be shot at 25 yds. Own rests are to be brought by the shooters competing. Two firing points per detail will be allocated for bench rest competitor, please annotate your entry form with ‘Bench rest’ or contact Steve Beadle directly (contact details on entry form) if you wish to enter this discipline.

The Light-weight Sport Rifle competition is an 80-shot course of fire from a standing, un-supported, position. Any sights except laser pointers may be used. Targets will be the NSRA PL14/06 20 yd pistol target centres, 5 shots per target, but these will be set at 25 yds. Competitors may chose to either follow the prone/benchrest format of 2 sets of 2 x 20 minute details or may elect to shoot in a single set of 2 x 20 minute details. Competitors are reminded that NSRA rules do not permit magazines to be loaded before the ‘Commence’ command and that a maximum of 10 rounds may be loaded in any magazine.

The Airgun competition is in three categories: Air Pistol, Air Rifle (precision) and Air Rifle (Sporter). All Airgun disciplines will be shot in a single detail with 15 minutes allowed for preparation and sighting followed by a 90 minute match period.

Air Pistol & Rifle (precision)

Comp 1 – 60 shot course of fire at Air4/89-18 or A3/89-18 10m targets.

Comp 2 – Second 60 shot course, scores aggregated with Comp 1.

Air rifle (Sporter) – 40 shots at 10m.

Entry forms for these competitions may be downloaded from:

Prone, Benchrest & LWSR Entry Form

Airgun Entry Form

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BSSA Frostbite League 2024/5 Round 3

A mild, dry and, for the most part, sunny morning for Round 3 of 2024/25 Frostbite League.

As usual, Round 3 incorporates the Christmas shoot, five shots in two minutes, with the aim being to miss the elves (-25 points) who are busy decorating the Christmas tree and, if you’re feeling lucky, hit the star (+25 points).  For the benchrest competitors the challenge was greater, as they had to shoot at a reversed target. No doubt helped by the pleasant morning, new record scores were set: +102 and the lowest -94 (previous records +55/ -92).

Results for the day’s serious competition were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First A Lee 6 0
Second N Day 4 1
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First K Sheead 4 0
Second Mrs T Beadle 6 1
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Mrs T Beadle 6 0
Second K Sheead 4 1

Round 3 also sees the Half-Way prizes in each class, these are based on the best two 0f the three rounds shot thus far. Winners were:





A Mrs W Foith 4 12
B Mrs T Beadle 6 10
C S Beadle 7 27
BR K Sheead 4 8

Full results may be found here.

Round 4 (100yds) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 5th January. The forecast suggests that this could be another mild, sunny day with a bit of wind to contend with.
There may be couple of spare spaces on the firing point, so if you would like to participate please contact Steve Beadle, 07720 677456.

The next BSSA Open meeting is the Indoor Meeting, offering competitions for prone rifle, benchrest rifle, light-weight sport rifle and airgun (pistol & rifle) to be held on the 18/19th January 2025. Details of this competition, including entry forms,  are available here.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2024/5 Round 2

December 1st, the first day of winter: – mild, continuous light rain, dull and a light but variable breeze, just the conditions needed for success at 100 yds. Despite the conditions both Wendy Foith (A Class) and Maria Popham (B Class) successfully risked going ‘All-in’ on one card.

Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First Mrs T Beadle 6 1
Second J Duguid 4 2
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs T Beadle 6 1
Second K Sheead 4 2
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Ms M Popham 6 1
Second C Stone 5 1

Full results may be found here.

Round 3 (50m) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 15th December; this round will include a Christmas novelty shoot. The forecast suggests that this should be a chilly day (5°C) with sunshine and a light breeze, but forecasts can change.
There are a couple of spare spaces on the firing point, so if you would like to participate please contact Steve Beadle, 07720 677456.

The next BSSA Open meeting is the Indoor Meeting,  to be held on the 18/19th January 2025, offering competitions for prone rifle, benchrest rifle and light weight sport rifle (standing), the usual airgun (pistol & rifle) competitions are yet to be confirmed. The entry form for this competition will be available shortly.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2024/5 Round 1

A chilly but dry start for the 2024/25 Frostbite League, unfortunately the weak sun could not compensate for the chill from the light breeze. The conditions did not put off the ladies, who took five of the six prizes on offer.

Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First Mrs T Beadle 6 0
Second Ms M Popham 6 1
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs T Beadle 6 2
Second Ms M Popham 6 2
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First K Sheead 4 1
Second Ms M Popham 6 2

Full results may be found here.

Round 2 (100 yards) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 1st December. The forecast suggests that this should be a similar day, cool with sunshine and light winds.
There are a couple of spare spaces on the firing point, so if you would like to participate please contact Steve Beadle, 07720 677456.

The next BSSA Open meeting is the Indoor Meeting,  to be held on the 18/19th January 2025, offering competitions for prone rifle, benchrest rifle and light weight sport rifle (standing), the usual airgun (pistol & rifle) competitions are yet to be confirmed. The entry form for this competition will be available shortly.

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Don Rathbone

It is with great sadness that the BSSA announce the Passing of Don Rathbone at the age of 87. Don was a former Treasurer of the Association and also the Chairman of the Ex-Waterlow Rifle Club until 2015; he was also an active supporter of the airgun section of the Dunstable And District District Disabled Sports organisation.

Don suffered from MS for many years and in later life dementia; Dons wife and carer, Stella, sadly passed away following a road accident last December .

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BSSA Frostbite League 2024/25

The BSSA Frostbite will commence on Sunday 17th November, at the Bedford Rifle Range. Entries closed on the 1st November, with a fairly full list. If there are cancellations it may be possible to enter on the day, please check with the organiser Steve Beadle, (Email: , Tel: 07720 677456) before travelling.

The range will be open from 9am, competitors should arrive early as you are expected to help prepare the range including setting out your own target frame. The first detail will commence at 10.15 or earlier if all are present and ready.

Dates for subsequent rounds are:

1st December
15th December
5th January
2nd February
16th February

Full details and entry form may be found here.

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Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Meeting, 8th September 2024

An interesting and unique course of fire to commemorate the late Queen:

The main competition is 96 shots (1 for each year of the Queens life) over eight cards at 50 metres, prone or bench rest.

The optional competition is 70 shots (1 for each year of the Queens reign) over five cards at 100 yards, prone only.

Sighting shots only on the first detail at each range.

As the first detail of the day started, the competitors were treated to rain, thunder and lightning; an ominous start? However, the weather passed through to leave mainly warm sunshine and light winds. Following comments at the first Memorial Meeting, the detail length was increased from 20 to 25 minutes; however, with the (generally) favourable conditions the majority of details were completed well within the original time.

This was the second anniversary of the late Queen’s death and, as a mark of respect, a two-minutes silence was observed at ten-past-three, the time of her death.

The Queens Age Match (96 shots at 50m, scores ex 960) medal winners were:

X Class

A Class

B Class

C Class


Mrs W Foith


A Pamment


Ms M Popham


I Abbott



R Fowke


C Garnham


Mrs T Beadle


S Bradfield



D Butcher


A Peck


S Webb


P Bramley


The Bench Rest medal winner was S Williams who recorded a score of 951 with 10 Xs.
The Ladies prize was won by Mrs W Foith; regrettably no juniors competed.

The Queens Reign Match (70 shots at 100 yds, scores ex 700) winners were:

X Class

A Class

B Class

C Class


N Day


C Garnham


Ms M Popham


I Abbot



D Butcher


C Stone


Mrs S Day


P Robinson


All prizes for the Queens Reign Match were in bottles of wine.

Full results for both competitions may be found here.

The next BSSA Open Meeting will be the Indoor meeting, at the Bedford Range, on the 18th/19th January 2025. This meeting offers 25 yd prone, benchrest and (possibly) LSR  and 10m airgun disciplines.

Also upcoming is the 2024/25 Frostbite League, six shoulder to shoulder matches, shot on Sunday mornings over the winter months at the Bedford Range. The matches alternate between 50m and 100 yds. Further details and entry form may be found here. Entries close on the 10th November and the first match is on the 17th November.

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Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Meeting, 8th September 2024

To mark the second anniversary of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II the BSSA are holding a memorial open meeting.

In honour of the late Queen, two competitions are offered:

The main competition is 96 shots (1 for each year of the Queens life) over eight cards at 50 metres, prone or bench rest.

The optional competition is 70 shots (1 for each year of the Queens reign) over five cards at 100 yards, prone only.

The main competition will consist of three 25 minute details; the optional competition will consist of two 25 minute details. In each case, sighting shot are only allowed on the first detail (Note: following feedback from the inaugural meeting, the duration of each detail have been increased from 20 to 25 minutes).


To be shot in four classes:
CLASS X – National Classification, current and previous three years.
Classes A, B & C according to average.
Bench rest – Single Class

For further details, please refer to the Entry Form.

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BSSA Winter Leagues 2024/25

Entries are now open for the BSSA 25yd pairs competitions.

Entries for the winter 2024/25 25 yard competition close on the 26th August with the first round to be shot by the 14th October. Further details and entry form may be found here.

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